The nervous stars★
I love you too much and become a nervous sometimes!

I love SMAP very much.
It feels the pleasure that it is possible to spend time with them.
This site is the place which is expressing the love which is me.
I am glad if being the place only of the immature picture but it is possible to enjoy.
since 2002/01/31 shingo's 25th birthday!


2002/02/04 SMAP×SMAP
吾郎ちゃん アホアホシンツヨ 草泉総理リハ

■「If you give your heart」吾郎オンステージv2001年コンサート前半の5人での映像が流れて嬉しい!私は5人のコンサートは長岡を見たきりなので記憶が薄れつつあり、あの映像が何を歌っているところなのかわからないのがちと寂しい(泣)。年々物覚えが悪くなります…。

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Copyright(C)2002 "The nervous stars★" Igarashi Tatsumi All rights reserved.
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It is unrelated to SMAP and the belonging office.
It prohibits to reprint all sentences and pictures without notice.

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